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Oslo philharmonic-a
 Article publié le 14 juillet 2009.


Oslo philharmonic-a
Pradip Choudhuri

For Einar Rottingen (pianist)
Trond Saeverud (violinist)


This is my eager solicitation

Ila, ocean’s darling !

Unlock yourself before me

In the sea tossed luminosity

Of the Arctic Orbit.

Omitting the stare of the Northern cold

Ratnabati, drunken fairy of the fateful festivity of sin and sinners,

Come on,

Raise your absorbed fingers from the piano-

Try, behold the naked efflorescence

Of my frost-bitten run-down body-

While trying to understand my hungry


 - nutty and jealous-

I’m the only one

Celebrating the flame of my burning effigy.

I stand cool on the ice cap

Overlooking the Arctic sea.


Beaten and unkind like the Ghost of Ibsen

I loaf about the semen-soaked quicksand

Where a proud pirate,

While being sunk (as if in a slow-motion movie scene)

Asked one lover, her, with the soul of a slut,

“Why, o why the fucks do you kill me

Like this, bitch, hussy ?”

“One day, mind you,

I too will reincarnate only to fuck the shit out of you”-

Before being finally sunk in the wet desert cold of the Northern seas…

I wonder if I had tasted this leery creature,

God’s won Miss Universe !


Doomsday, September 2009- I stand alone by the Arctic sea-

I’m hardly A-lone.



I’m the predator of truth both here and beyond

My concentration is both mute and garrulous


I did not forget captain Skarro

I fireplayed with many a miss universe




in trawlers

My engagement with the Northern snow picks is total

I start melting with them

A-lone, as in Poetry- yet to write


Second move


I’m a bemused child from the Tropic of Cancer

With no address, neither a glory-filled CV

I traverse the hidden depth of this planet

With hunger and disorientation.

Fear doesn’t chase me- nor even

The dread of a love-wreck…

My boastful presentation before you, ah !


If you call it my confession, be it-

If you call it my unchaste desire


(packed in plastic),

Rape, self-destruction- even murder- be it-

If your fellow mates – cons and primal gods –

Kick me in the abdomen

Calling it the rule of the game

Before I prostrate on the icy rock

Reflecting your pigmented foot nails-


O let it glow !


Third move


Wake up woman

O my companion standing on the other side

Of rebirth- magical and uncountable-

My lost friends !-wake up wake up wake up

In this heliolatrous warmth of the first womb


It’s today

Standing on the terminal line of the world map

Yes, today, here and now,

I’m all ready for squaring up with mySelf.



It’s but an invocation

O Great Deluge

 -the fall-out of Matter and Ice

Go, levitate all the continents

Enchained in rules by rulers

It’s time for you to de-locate your Axis

O the brave gods of the Northland

Come on,

Hug each other until your heart bleeds

As it did, singularly, once before,

In each bridal bed.


October, 2009
73, Regent Estate
700 092 
KolkataCalcutta, India


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publiée par Patrick Cintas - - 06 62 37 88 76

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