Retour à la RALM Revue d'Art et de Littérature, Musique - Auteurs invités [Forum] [Contact e-mail]
Depuis avril 2004,
date de la création
du premier numéro
de la RALM.
Robert Keeler

R. J. Keeler was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and grew up in the jungles of Colombia. He holds a BS in Mathematics from North Carolina State University, an MS in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, an MBA from the University of California at Los Angeles, and a Certificate in Poetry from the University of Washington. An Honorman in the U.S. Naval Submarine School, he was Submarine Service (SS) qualified. He is a recipient of the Vietnam Service Medal, Honorable Discharge, and a Whiting Foundation Experimental Grant. He is a member of IEEE (technological society), AAAS (scientific society), and the Academy of American Poets. A former Boeing engineer.


R. J. Keeler
20503 80th Lane SW, Vashon, WA 98070 206.679.7279

My poetry collection "Detonation" was published in 1Q2020. My second collection “The invention of the Snowman” is due out in mid-2020.

Artistic Statement : Does not subscribe to the cattle-prod paradigm of poetry. May tend to melancholy. Humor trumps everything. My submission stands on its own merit, hence no mention of awards or publications.

1. Fever Tree
14 juin 2020
A mandala of sorts—heart-flowers all upside-down and some grand finalé, introduced late ;
jasmine and small bees and then, an  [...]
Retour à la RALM Revue d'Art et de Littérature, Musique - Espaces d'auteurs [Contact e-mail]
2004/2024 Revue d'art et de littérature, musique

publiée par Patrick Cintas - - 06 62 37 88 76

Copyrights: - Le site: © Patrick CINTAS (webmaster). - Textes, images, musiques: © Les auteurs


- Dépôt légal: ISSN 2274-0457 -

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